Sunday, November 1, 2009

Evidence in Visceral Fats Reduction

For those of you who have been coming forward to GTF Worldwide Sdn Bhd for quite some time now, the company's nutritionists must have examined your Body Mass Composition (BMI) and the amount of your subcutaneous fats as well as visceral fats.

If you found out that the level of subcutaneous fats appeared to be quite high, it won't worry you that much, but what could really make you worry, is the high amount of visceral fats. For your information, visceral fats are non-visible, but although it is not visible, it is highly hazardous as it could grab a person's life should its amount reaches a very high level.

After each examination, individuals who have been tested in possessing high amount of visceral fats, would usually consult the nutritionists about the routes and effective methods which could reduce these unnecessary fats. Although exercising always seemed to be one of the suggested solutions, but visitors often doubt about its effectiveness.

A study about the effectiveness of exercising in warding off dangerous visceral fats has been published online on 8th October 2009, this particular study will next to appear in a future print edition of the journal Obesity.

The study was consisted of participants whom are divided into two groups. One group them of undergo 40 minutes exercise regimen such as aerobic training and resistance training, and another group does not do any exercise at all. These participants were asked to consume 800 calories of diet each day. This condition was maintained over a year of time.

After a critical year later, what the researchers found was for those who underwent exercises, despite modest weight regained, they have regained of zero visceral fats. While for those who did not do any exercise at all, the study showed that they regained 33% of visceral fats averagely.

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