Saturday, November 7, 2009

Aspirin Really Works?

Aspirin has been long established as a drug which aids heart attack patients.

How does it work? Cited from wikipedia, aspirin actually has an antiplatelet effect by inhibiting thromboxane production. This thromboxane usually binds platelet molecules and thus create a patch over damage of the wall within the blood vessels.

Low doses of aspirin could do wonders to patients who experience heart attacks, strokes and also blood clot formation. Aspirin has been established that by utilizing a low doses of it, for instant immediately after a heart attack, the risk of another heart attack or the death of cardiac tissue can be reduced.

As a matter of fact, aspirin is taken by individuals who have already had problems such as heart attack or stroke as secondary prevention, the benefits are well established. But currently, many people, especially those who do not have any symptoms of heart attack, but are known to be at risk in having it, they tend to take low doses of aspirin to prevent the occurrence of the disease.

However, DTB (Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin) does not seem to encourage such groups of people (who do not have symptoms) to take low dosage of aspirin for the sake of mere prenvention as the potential risk of serious gastrointestinal bleeds could be deadly.

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