Thursday, December 9, 2010

CKD Risk in Certain Babies

The famous two "biological beans" that can be found in our bodies, are known as kidney. When speaking about kidney disease, everybody would think of chronic kidney disease. Such disease is "invisible" as the sufferer only experience symptoms such as the loss of appetite, fatigue and other trivial matters. As time goes by, the function of renal (kidney) worsens over a certain period. Such disease can be deadly if it is not treated at the right time.

Recently, a latest study found out that for pregnant women who also have Type II Diabetes, their offsprings are more likely to have higher risk in developing chronic kidney disease (CKD). This study was taken place in Washington, where more than 4,000 patients with childhood CKD were included. These patients were all 21 years old or lower. In order to make the study an accurate one, they were compared to over 20,000 healthy children to evaluate the relationship between a diabetic mother as well as the condition of kidney of their respective child.

The interesting findings about this study is that overall rate of childhood CKD was approximately 0.26 percents (which is also 1 per 400 births). As for the children whose mothers had diabetes before their pregnancy period, CKD risk was increased as many as 69 percents higher. As for mothers who developed diabetes during their pregnancy period, the chances of their children in getting CKD is 28 percents higher. Other than diabetic mothers, obese mothers also show a similar trend, where their children in their tummies could face a 22 percents higher in encountering CKD.

More researches are to be done in order to confirm the accuracy of such study. Nevertheless, consuming GTF products everyday is the right way to do in controlling and improving diabetes and other metabolic syndromes.