Thursday, December 16, 2010

Asthma & Diabetes

Many times, especially under GTF Worldwide Sdn Bhd, one will always link diabetes with many other diseases and complications, which we often known them as metabolic syndromes, such as heart diseases, inflammation, obesity and many many more. But a recent study shows that other complications, like asthma, also somewhat has some linkages with Diabetes Mellitus.

By looking at the above picture, normal asthmatic patients could have recognized this very easily. Yes, indeed, this is the normal inhaler which is used by many asthmatic patients nowadays. Whenever an asthmatic patient experiences an asthmatic attack, this little gadget which comes in handy will be their best savior. Once a puff, it loosens the respiratory tract of the patient. This relieves the critical condition of the person.

But one thing, this recent piece of research shows that inhaled corticosteroid (the substance found in the inhaler), would somehow increase in the rate of diabetes onset for as much as 34%. While if a person took a highest inhaled dosage, the rate could be increased to 64% in diabetes onset and 54% in diabetes progression.

Hence, according to Sammy Suissa, PhD., the lead investigator of the research, patients instituting therapy with high doses of inhaled corticosteroids should be assessed for possible hyperglycemia and treatment with high doses of inhaled corticosteroids limited to situations where the benefit is clear. Which is exactly the rule which should be obeyed by all asthmatic patients, should the research data fits what our biological reaction really applies.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Tame Diabetes with Exercise

Exercises are essential for everybody, and this of course, including diabetic patients. Recently, a new exercise guidelines and recommendations have published in one of the journal this month, which is Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, the official journal of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). Such guideline was also jointly issued by American Diabetes Association.

The research shows the importance of physical activity to health for all individuals. According to the new guidelines, it appears that 150 minutes is all it takes. The recommendation also mentioned that these 150 minutes have to be spread out at least three days during a week's time where, in a stipulation that there should not be two consecutive days between bouts of aerobic activities.

Apart from aerobic activities, strength training is also important right now for diabetic sufferers. According to the results of the research, resistance exercise (strength training) has the importance which is on par with aerobic exercise, plus in certain studies, was said to be even more important compare to aerobic exercises as it could reinforce additional benefits of combining aerobic as well as strength training for people with diabetes.

Previously, many physicians believed that exercises might not be suitable for diabetic patients due to excessive body weight they have as well as certain health complications they faced. However, with the proper precautions taken, majority of diabetic patients can undergo normal exercises. According to Colberg, Ph.D., who chaired the writing group, physical activity should not be an excuse for diabetic patients, in contrary, it should be a conscious part of every person's health plan.