Saturday, February 19, 2011

Listen to Your Legs

Next time whenever you move your legs, whenever you are walking, whenever you are using your legs to do certain movements, listen attentively. Do they cry out to you, scream in agony where painfulness can be felt all of a sudden? If they tell you so, beware that some other parts of yours might be in trouble!

A recent investigation about legs and heart had been conducted, and the results showed somewhat positive about certain association between the two parts of our body. In the United States, there are approximately nine million Americans who raised concerns about their leg problems are associated with heart complications as well. And unluckily, normally heart diseases of theirs are difficult to be discovered.

Researchers referred to such heart disease as PAD (Peripheral Arterial Disease). PAD plays a role as a silent killer as they lurk within the human body without any visible symptoms. Its existence is now being closely linked with leg complications which are experienced by many today. Studies show that when one feel that his or her legs become painful while walking, or due to other factors such as disability, sometimes such circumstances happened due to the narrowed arteries in legs, which causes blood clogged or blood blockages. When arteries in legs are blocked, it also means there are arteries blocked somewhere else in the body and it is strongly related to the blockage of arteries near the heart.

Being a silent disease, PAD nonetheless is sometimes associated with the following symptoms:

- Fatigue, heaviness, tiredness in certain parts of legs, such as calf or thigh.

- Foot as well as toe pain which directly disturbs sleeping patterns.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Fish for Folks

Fish oils are said to be edible stuffs to be eaten by people who have heart related diseases. With the presence of Omega-3 fatty acids in fish oils, fish oils certainly hailed as one of the most effective foods which ought to be consumed in the long run as far as the health of heart is concerned. But for now, just ignore the heart part, but focus on Alzheimer's instead.

Fish oil, as referred by many people previously, as the effective food in treating or maintaining great health of heart, is now also considered as the essential foods in improving Alzheimer's Disease. Prof. Daniel Michaelson of Tel Aviv University's Department of Neurobiology at the George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences mentioned that one of the five molecules (scientists believed that there are five molecules which determine the occurrence of Alzheimer's Disease), which is known as APOE plays an important role as far as Alzheimer's Disease comes into the picture.

APOE comes in two different forms, good and bad genes; just like LDL (bad cholesterol) and HDL (good cholesterol). The bad gene is called APOE4. APOE4 is now being held responsible as one of the main factors which cause Alzheimer's Disease, as researchers found out that APOE4 appears in 50% of all Alzheimer's patients. The good news is, by adapting to diet which is high in Omega-3 and low in cholesterol, it somehow significantly reduce the negative outcomes of APOE4 in mouse models.