Friday, November 6, 2009

Flu, Go Away!

Here it is again, the rainy season. When you flip open the newspapers, you would probably notice sudden flood which occurred in many countries, even in some remote places in Malaysia too had become the latest victims of flood.

Well, of course we are not talking about floods over here, but, a highly popular diseases which closely connected to the current rainy season. Yes, as an intelligent reader, you are correct, flu it is!

Especially for individuals who have sinus problems all their lives, rainy days appear to be even more troublesome. When these individuals first open their eyes, waking up from their 7 or 8-hour dreamland, they would probably listening to themselves sniffing, and found themselves caught a flu.

The only solution to fight against flu, would be a strong immune system. Other than consuming GT&F products, which could boost your immune system in no time, bounty amount of fruits and vegetables, especially those with vibrant colors, could also boost your immune system greatly!

A new study in America, found that 8 in 10 Americans who were lacking in colorful fruits and vegetables consumption, appear to have serious phytonutrient gap. The study primarily based on five color categories of fruits and vegetables, namely green, red, white, blue/purple and yellow, as well as the phytonutrients found in each category.

For optimal health, two foods from each of the 5 color categories are especially vital, and if it's possible, make it a total of 10 servings each day. In no time, you'll then regain your superb immune system!

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