Sunday, July 11, 2010

Neck Circumference

Ever since decades ago, many parents are using a typical method when choosing shorts and pants for their children. What they normally do, is to measure the neck circumference of their children before making their final decision and choose the shorts and pants of their choices. Such method appears to be quite accurate when fitting room is not available.

Chinese, typically, are doing that for years now. But it seems like, currently, an August print issue, researchers had tested just the usefulness of such method in measuring the neck circumference of children in order to identify whether or not they are related to any high BMI symptoms.

What the researchers did was taking measurements of more than 1,000 children whom were aged from 6 to 8 years in age. Through such measuring method, the researchers found that neck circumference can correctly identify the children whether or not they are being overweight or obese. For instance, a 6 year old boy with a neck circumference which is greater than 11.2 inches is said to have 3.6 times more likely to be overweight or obese than a peer below such measured level.

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