Friday, March 19, 2010

Self-treatment on Nasal

Seasonal flu is always being treated as an inevitable illness or symptoms to certain people, especially for those who are allergic to pollens and dusts, and those who experience acute sinus problems all their lives. To make things worse, recent days have been filled with intimidating news such as bird flu, the infamous SARS, as well as the most recent cases of H1N1.

All these diseases and news which revolve around in our lives, are all connected or can be assumed as if started with one common word, which is "flu". Thus, it is essential if we could eradicate the first symptom before it spreads further and develop into something uglier and could harm us in long term.

For ages, common cold and flu (influenza) has been regarded as an illness which does not have its real treatment, for its viruses keep evolving, and hence there are no specific treatments or medicinal products which could really curb its existence.

Recently, one study found that people were more likely to return work sooner after using some nose washes. In other words, there were people, after applying a spray or spout of salt water to their nose (in a washing manner), certain beneficial effects were observed.

In Indian subcontinent, saltwater washes have long been regarded as a normal practice. Saline nasal washes, are claimed to be able to wash out all the unnecessary mucus or any other infectious materials out from your nose; which in turn strengthen the nose's own filtration system. Though such result has not been proven scientifically, but numerous researchers have been looking deeply into this matter.

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