Friday, February 12, 2010

Milk During Pregnancy

Milk is an important food source as far as the element calcium is concerned. Ask every member or distributor of GTF Worldwide, they will tell you just the same answer. But many people are confused about drinking milk, especially for pregnant ladies. The usual question which often popped out would be, "can a pregnant lady drink milk?" These individuals often are very worried about some pregnant women whom they known, particularly when they are milk-drinkers at the same time.

But many people would have known by now, that pregnant ladies are absolutely permitted to drink milk, as milk is rich in calcium as well as vitamin D (especially in fortified milk). But in a recent study, it basically further encourage pregnant individuals to drink more milk!

A preliminary study which will be presented at the American of Neurology's 62nd Annual Meeting in Toronto from 10th April to 17th April 2010, shows just that. The basic idea of the study involves about some 35,000 nurses whose mothers completed questionnaires in year 2001 about their experiences and diet during pregnancy. Among all the nurses studied, there are 199 nurses who developed Ms (Multiple Sclerosis).

Researchers whom involved in this study, discovered that pregnant mothers-to-be who drink milk frequently and consume dietary vitamin D in essential amount would reduce the risk of developing MS in their daughters (that is, if the child in the womb is a female).

Based on the results obtained, the risk in developing MS of women whose mothers drank about 4 glasses of milk per day throughout the period of pregnancy appears to reduce for as many as 56 percents compare to those whose mothers consumed less than three glasses of milk per day. Whereas pregnant mothers who take in top 20 percent of vitamin D appears to reduce for as many as 45 percents in Ms development in their daughters, compare to those who consumed the bottom 20 percents of vitamin D.

Calcium and vitamin D seem to be playing pivotal roles in securing healthy condition of the babies. The most important sources of calcium and vitamin D, apart from milk, would be fatty fish such as salmon, as well as exposing to sunlight.

Instead of drinking ordinary dairy products, you are encouraged to consume GT&F Milk instead, for GT&F Milk provides you the essential trivalent chromium and other sufficient nutrients, which do not only provides you calcium and vitamin D, it is also able to regulate the whole body system of yours!

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